Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Like Juno Beach, but Down

Friends and 8 readers,

Thanks to my friend Elizabeth, I recently found out about a charity event held by the Special Olympics of Virginia in early summer. 

This is the Crystal City Hilton in Arlington, Virginia. (Ironically located right near my old office)

I am planning on rapelling down the side of this very hotel on June 22nd and I'm trying to raise $1,000 to do it.  My Mom offered me a grand not to.  But that seemed to take the fun out of it.  So why rappel? 

I decided why not?  This activity combines charity with hotels and doing something insane.  I figure I can run a 5K or do a Polar Plunge anytime.  But how often do you get to climb down the side of a hotel and not get arrested.  You'll notice the widget (actual term) on the left of the page that chronicles my race to $1K.  If I get more, I can earn a night at the hotel or a dinner.  But if I get $2,000, I get another rapelling spot.  So someone can join me if I get enough.  So cough up a few dimes. I might spring for a costume....

If you want to give money, click here.

If you want to sign up and feel your manhood or lady parts crushed by a rigging harness, click here.


Cawshis Clay said...

So if I read this right, you'd scream my name if I gave 250 bucks? AND buy me a beer? That's extremely tempting.

At what point do you put on a costume? Sell me on this!

Hero to the Masses said...

So, an old public health colleague amazingly stepped up so I will yell her name and buy her a beer. But 15 stories is time for plenty of yelling and I'm going to get thirsty because all of the urine will escape from my body when I go over the edge.

I'm going to have a costume contest in a little bit. So far I'm liking either Eviel Keneivel or Elvis. Thoughts?

Nicole said...

What about the outfit that Ace Ventura wore when he was in the mental institution? I believe it was a Hawaiian shirt and a tutu.