So this Saturday night saw me at a kick-ass Halloween party at my friends party. I actually went as him. This costume won't really make sense, until you learn that one day Chuck did get his shoe and sock eaten by the escalator at Alewife. Only this guy would then gimp back to his car, go home and change and then come back to work. I'm pretty sure I would have called it a day at that point. That's why he's the better employee. Ross went as Duff Man, well actually Beer Man, who is Duff Man's non-copyrighted cousin.
Tonight I saw a great movie I highly recommend called Layer Cake. Daniel Craig, of James Bond fame, was really good. An English drug dealing, double and triple crossing whodunit. The ending was the best. A must see. Really.
I was scared! I didn't know what to do!!! I was also humiliated by everyone looking at me as if I were off my meds or something as I walked through the T station. So naturally I just went back to work to take my frustration out on the terrorists.....
And don't think the Commonwealth didn't appreciate that. By paying you $34,000 a year.
Wait a minute. How the hell did somebody get a sock and shoe eaten by an escalator? Those Alewife escalators are slow but not hungry.
I briefly met Chuck once, i don't remember him having clown feet, but then again, I'm not always vigilant.
Nice code for spooning and watching friends....You fool no one in that suit!!!
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