I hope y'all voted. Not that I can be smug about it, because I didn't. And yes, I know good men gave up their lives on beaches and sand bogs to give me that precious right. I didn't vote, because I realized I had never changed my voter registration from my old apartment and by the time I did, it was too late for the absentee ballot. Yes, I'll go to hell. But I live in Massachusetts, where we had a decent race for Governor and only one other
exciting issue on the ballot. Wine in supermarkets. Us Puritans sure know how to make a fuss.
So I took a midterm for grad school today. Could have failed or could have aced. A lot of questions were worded oddly. It was my first time writing in a blue book in years. I remember why I hated it so much.
Came back home and there was election mania on TV. So I turned it off. Don't get me wrong, but seeing Wolf Blitzer calling races that have 1% of the precincts, is not my idea of the electoral process. So I'm looking on the Web, which is calmer. And they're not as quick to call at
NYT.com.I see that Lieberman is the projected winner, which makes me happy in some ways. Lamont was a one hit WASP wonder, with his stance on anti-war. And this whole thing was fueled by the bloggers hatred of Lieberman, which I think teaches a lesson. It's up to CT. He's their senator, sorry if you had national ideals. I'm sure this won't make
Steve very happy.