So tonight I went to a place called Chez Henri which is in Cambridge, off Mass Ave. It's best known for it's steak frites, mojitos and the very famous cuban sandwich. Tonight I had a mojito and a daiquiri and the cubano sandwich.
This sandwich changed my life. I even wrote it on the credit card receipt I signed. This sandwich could make me attend church. The ends of the sandwich has these pieces of crispy goodness, cheese and ham. Tears are streaming down my face as I write this.
I contemplated going straight to bed so as not to sully this evening.
This is heaven.
Wait. You've never had a Cuban Sandwhich?
Or is this like the best Cuban you've ever had?
I'm horrified at the thought of a former NYC cop never having had a Cuban. They are like the most delicious sandwhiches ever. Did it have pickles? Or was it just the ham and cheese?
Oh my god. I want myself a cuban right now.
A Cuban isn't a Cuban without pickles, I'm fairly certain.
Truer words you have not said, Tom. But sometimes folks pass off the pickle-less cuban as The Cuban Sandwhich.
And being that Graham is a cracker, I figured he might not know.
can we comment on the fact that you had a mojito and a dacquri?
Sweet Jesus do I miss the medianoches (Cuban sandwiches, thus called because you're supposed to eat them in the middle of the night after dancing... or policing, I guess). Living in LA has improved my Spanglish by leaps and bounds, but tragically there are only, like, 11 Cubans here. Now I eat $1 tacos late at night, a delectable substitute, but still. I miss the flattened porky goodness, cut by the vinegar of the pickles, with the cheese all melty. Oh. Jesus. Why did I move to this bleach blond, Cuban-forsaken place? Fuck.
I have to rethink all my life decisions now. Excuse me.
agreed. i too now crave swine. I think i may go to reading terminal market for lunch and get a roast pork with spicy greens and provolone from dinic's, or a pork rib sandwich from the amish stand(who can motherfucking bbq, surprisingly).
Thank you for your lack of faith, Silky. I have indeed had the cuban before. There's an awesome place on 137 and B'way actually. This cuban did have pickles, which is how I like it.
Though it was more than a great cuban, it was a great sandwich. Sigh.
I'm just confused you had a great Cuban sandwich at a French-sounding restaurant. Gloria Estefan will be disappointed.
Be careful or the rhythm will, in fact, get you.
Being a cracker myself, I'm completely ashamed to admit that the first time I saw the word "chez" (the Chez Artiste theater in Denver) I pronounced it phonetically in English.
Sarah enjoyed mocking me very much.
Welcome to the blog, I enjoy both you and Sarah's blog very much. You are indeed a classy man.
Tom, I am taking your references to the fine food of Philly (God I love alliteration) as a personal taunt. You're teasing us exPats[king of steaks] with your tales of Reading Terminal Market, the Amish... damn you!
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