Last night, saw the Borat movie with the family.
Go see this movie, if you haven't already. I'll admit that I did bury my head in my sleeve for some parts as the awkwardness was too much for me to handle. But man, does he put a big spotlight on our great nation.
The naked fight made me laugh so hard, I think I pulled something. Everyone needs the belly laughs that the movie produces. Oh, and the "Wizard's Sleeve" line was about the goddamn funniest thing I've heard in a looong time.
Enjoy a snippet below...
i don't think i could sit through it - i'd probably cringe too much
Borat is a symbol of everything that is wrong with America. The fact that people will go to theaters to watch it is the chain the symbol hangs on.
Okay....I have no idea what that last comment means.
I think I may vote it as one of the top 5 funniest movies of all time.
Saw Borat in Vegas, of all places. The off-duty showgirls, strippers and male Joan Rivers impersonators we viewed it with all loved it (the wrestling scene was a crowd pleaser.)
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