Friday, January 06, 2012

Running Update

Still hate running.  I subscribe to the theory that you're supposed to get 30 minutes of moderate exercise a couple times a week.  I've discovered that the route I run clocks in at around 20 mins.  Most people would find a longer route.  However I've always been one to believe in working smarter and not harder, so I just slow down.  Now I'm doing it in 23 minutes, even with walking when not necessary.  My next step is to do slam poetry on various corners.  Or stop for a cup of coffee and jog in place. 


maikib said...

*like* though, i may vote for a cinnamon roll and jogging in place.

RMC said...

If given the opportunity you could also break up the run a bit by doing some pushups or something. . .Still keps your heart rate up and gives you a bit of a break from the run. Keep it up bro

Mico said...

30 minutes of an elevated heart rate, you can do interval training in that time and speech up/slow down... as long as your heart rate is elevated.

you're welcome

Hero to the Masses said...

Thank you for all of your help. Especially the cinammon bun.