Went home, decided to go for a run and came back to find my tax return returned for my signatures.
I owe Massachusetts about $150 bucks
I get $1,000 from Uncle Sam
I owe the accountant $400
Which leaves me with $450.00 Which is not the windfall I had expected. I had done much better last year. But perhaps having them done properly is the price I pay.
But then I had this...

It's called Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat, and it tastes like happiness. I had it first in Philly with some friends and it altered my life. So, sure my life isn't always where I want it to be. And I'd really like to be able to have a relationship without blowing it up. But right now, drinking this beer, my world is recentered. It's amazing what some hops, barley and coriander can do. Thank you, good people of Chippewa Falls, WI. Thank you.
I also purchased a six pack today and the seraphim and cherubim fellated me as Enya was playing in the distance.
So dreamy.
I suspect most things that taste like happiness can be found in Philadelphia at one time or another.
ummmm i think that some of the seraphim and cherubim are boys. just wondering.
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