We start with the recently announced merger of Delta and Northwest Airlines. Ramblings doesn't really care that much about this. Delta has decent sized operations from Logan, but nowhere near as big as they promised. Though, if approved, it does mean fewer carriers which in case you've been drinking the Kool-Aid means higher ticket prices. Which is not good, but understandable considering the high oil prices. If you're dying to know more about the new airline, they made a website which is filled with unhelpful stuff that flacks wrote in a hurry.
And much more importantly, I found a pair of black dress shoes that I ordered from Kenneth Cole. They are shown here:

Now you'll notice one thing about them. They have no laces. For some I know this is no big deal, but I'm old fashioned about these things. I don't do sandals at all, I prefer shoes that lace in a straight forward no nonsense way. Hell, even my Merrells were a big deal at the time. So I know I'm joining my metrosexual brother on the dark side, so we'll see when they get there. The ones that I wanted with laces were only in sizes Gary Coleman and John Holmes, so no dice.
Finally, I found an occupational safety video from the Canadian version of OSHA. So I'm watching this video here, the first one.
And this is what goes through my head.
"Oh hello. You can make me breakfast in be...
Huh? Well that seems rather...
AAAHH What the fu$k is going on? I will never cook again!"
I call the Canadians pansies, but the people that make their PSAs have no sense of humor, unlike the wacky Germans. (Note: Wait for it....wait for it...)
Oh the poor girl. And she was just one day away from retiring, too
Three simple words for your shoes, "Like a Glove!" Welcome to the dark side bro. - RMC
Ok first of all, the lady at the beginning was going to become the head chief???....... Really? Where was her hat? I dont care if she gets "injured", the main issue is preventing hair from getting in the soup of the day!!!! Take that Can Ada!
I am sure you wore velcro shoes as a kid
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