Monday, March 14, 2011

Paging Dr. Bombay.....

So my girlfriend had ACL surgery on Friday and I've been playing nurse for the past few days.  I am not a very good doctor.  I'm trying though to be a good helper.  Which mostly includes heating Trader Joe's meals, refilling water glasses and assisting her hop back and forth from the bathroom to the couch to the bed. 

So she had ACL surgery. which takes about 6 months to recover from.  They actually replace the ACL one of two ways.  The first is to graft from your body, usually the patella or the hamstring.  The downside of this is that you're recovering from surgery in two separate places and recovery takes longer.  The second option is called an allograft, which is from a cadaver.  Allyson went with this route, meaning that she has some dead person's body part inside them. 

So that allows us to make up some awesome stories.  Like her knee will soon be possessed by a prisoner from Death Row and will begin killing people.  But only her knee.  The trailer would have her headed down into the Metro on a packed escalator, when suddenly her knee jutted out, pushing some young girl on her cellphone plunging to the bottom of the escalator.  The film would also have her sitting in her basement with a saw in her hand, staring at the possessed knee, pondering the impossible. 

Anyone else have any good ideas about this?  I'll give you a Producer credit when I sell the rights


Steve said...

There she is, standing on the Jets' sideline...

Steve said...

Too obscure? I was referring to this: