But I went for a run today, which was pretty masochistic of me, but was a good thing. It was a run however to the beer store, because it was time for the new.....
Beer Of the Week

This week, I was determined to get a summery beer. Maybe not an an actual summer seasonal, but a light beer. Too hot for a porter or a stout. So I ran to my local spot, and there all sweaty and slightly wheezing stumbled upon Flying Dog's In-Heat Wheat Hefeweizen. I bought two six-packs at the BOtW is expanding in popularity and came home. I had the first one out of the freezer, which might be beer sacrilege, but it was damned tasty. It is a great wheat beer. I even got the nod from the guy who worked at the store. The "While these other popped-collar chumps buy cases of Amstel, I recognize you sir as a ruggedly handsome man who knows what good beer tastes like" look, which made me feel good.
Polished off two of them and then got some wings for dinner. It might undo the run, but the run is really my gift to the ladies of Cambridge and Somerville. Christmas comes around three times a week, in the form of pale ass legs and a t-shirt that undoubtedly has some reference to the NYPD on it.
Remember this is a game you can play at home, so find that great beer store and buy a 6 of this stuff, and lemme know what you think. I liked it.
oh, big apple tours is so maligned... you loved it. you know you did. admit it. hassel-hoff! hassel-hoff!
Oh quit your whining- until you've lived in the wet sock that is Miami in the summer, I don't want to hear it. Does anyone yell Papichulo at you when you run?
Hot, Damn Hot! I saw a little guy in and orange robe burst into flames. Will have to try the beer. Later bro.
I used to get Flying Dog in Nebraska as it's brewed in Colorado. I've never had that one, but in general their beers are very tasty...
And did Ross just allude to that Vietnamese monk?
LA gets stupid-hot in the summer, but it's bearable because a: deserts are never humid, and b) deserts totally cool down at night. It can be 90 degrees in the day but by 9pm it's 68 degrees. Sweet.
And Cracker, your manly physique clad in nothing but gym shorts and NYPD references is surely a thrill for all the local ladies. Keep it up!
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