So I was watching the national news last night and saw the graphic of "Subway Savior" appear above the anchor. I saw a black guy and a weepy white guy and some B-roll of a NYC subway car. So I thought it was a story about how a jaded New Yorker saved the life of some guy by pulling him back from the edge of the tracks. Or he went down on the tracks and helped him up back onto the platform. As a cynical New Yorker, I was non-plussed.
Until I saw the CGI reenactment. Holy Shit. So this kid has a seizure and falls onto the tracks. The train is coming into the station. This guy jumps down onto the tracks and lays on top of him to make sure he doesn't flail or raise his head. The train passes over the top of both of them. You gotta read this story.
I'm not sure I would have done that. The savior was former Navy (not Marine...should have read more closely), and a New Yorker. So the kid who fell was in good hands.
As the old saying goes, "There is no such thing as a former Marine."
What?! That did not happen!!
the fourth paragraph says he's a navy veteran..... not a marine.
i'm just saying.....
The NYTimes has a nice picture of him too, you can find it at nytimes.com
I want to send him a present, what a good guy.
that story really was amazing - the guy that jumped on him had 2 kids too.
Also - you'd never think just by looking at the guy he'd be the type to do this. He's very stereotypically not your average "do gooder"
just goes to show you should never judge a book by its cover
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